
Kolibry comes with two syntax highlighter for you to choose from:

Prism is one of the most popular syntax highlighters. The highlighting is done by adding token classes to the code and it's colored using CSS. You can browse through their official themes, or create/customize one yourself very easily using prism-theme-vars.

Shiki is a TextMate grammar-powered syntax highlighter that generates colored tokens, eliminating the need for additional CSS. It offers excellent grammar support, resulting in very accurate colors similar to those in VS Code. Shiki also includes a range of built-in themes. However, Shiki's reliance on TextMate themes (compatible with VS Code themes) for highlighting makes customization somewhat more challenging.

Kolibry themes usually support both Prism and Shiki, but depending on the theme you are using, it might only support one of them.

When you have the choice, the tradeoff is basically:

  • Prism for easier customization
  • Shiki for more accurate highlighting

By default, Kolibry uses Prism. You can change it by modifying your frontmatter:

highlighter: shiki

Configure Prism

To configure your Prism, you can just import the theme css or use prism-theme-vars to configure themes for both light and dark mode. Refer to its docs for more details.

Configure Shiki

Environment: node
This setup function will only run on Node.js environment, you can have access to Node's API.

Create ./setup/shiki.ts file with the following content

/* ./setup/shiki.ts */
import { defineShikiSetup } from '@kolibry/types'

export default defineShikiSetup(() => {
  return {
    theme: {
      dark: 'min-dark',
      light: 'min-light',

Refer to Shiki's docs for available theme names.

Or if you want to use your own theme:

/* ./setup/shiki.ts */

import { defineShikiSetup } from '@kolibry/types'

export default defineShikiSetup(async({ loadTheme }) => {
  return {
    theme: {
      dark: await loadTheme('path/to/theme.json'),
      light: await loadTheme('path/to/theme.json'),