Configure Monaco

Environment: client
This setup function will only run on client side. Make sure the browser compatibility when importing packages.

Create ./setup/monaco.ts with the following content:

import { defineMonacoSetup } from '@kolibry/types'

export default defineMonacoSetup(async (monaco) => {
  // use `monaco` to configure

Learn more about configuring Monaco.


To use Monaco in your slides, simply append {monaco} to your code snippets:

const count = ref(1)
const plusOne = computed(() => count.value + 1)

console.log(plusOne.value) // 2

plusOne.value++ // error


//```js {monaco}
const count = ref(1)
const plusOne = computed(() => count.value + 1)

console.log(plusOne.value) // 2

plusOne.value++ // error


By default, Monaco will ONLY work on dev mode. If you would like to have it available in the exported SPA, configure it in your frontmatter:

monaco: true # default "dev"

Types Auto Installing

When use TypeScript with Monaco, types for dependencies will be installed to the client-side automatically.

//```ts {monaco}
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useMouse } from '@vueuse/core'

const counter = ref(0)

In the example above, make sure vue and @vueuse/core are installed locally as dependencies / devDependencies, Kolibry will handle the rest to get the types working for the editor automatically!

Configure Themes

The theme is controlled by Kolibry based on the light/dark theme. If you want to customize it, you can pass the theme id to the setup function:

// ./setup/monaco.ts
import { defineMonacoSetup } from '@kolibry/types'

export default defineMonacoSetup(() => {
  return {
    theme: {
      dark: 'vs-dark',
      light: 'vs',

If you want to load custom themes:

import { defineMonacoSetup } from '@kolibry/types'

// change to your themes
import dark from 'theme-lumos/themes/lumos-dark.json'
import light from 'theme-lumos/themes/lumos-light.json'

export default defineMonacoSetup((monaco) => {
  monaco.editor.defineTheme('lumos-light', light as any)
  monaco.editor.defineTheme('lumos-dark', dark as any)

  return {
    theme: {
      light: 'lumos-light',
      dark: 'lumos-dark',

If you are creating a theme for Kolibry, use dynamic import() inside the setup function to get better tree-shaking and code-splitting results.

Configure the Editor

If you would like to customize the Monaco editor you may pass an editorOptions object that matches the Monaco IEditorOptions definition.

//```ts {monaco} { editorOptions: { wordWrap:'on'} }

Alternatively if you would like these options to be applied to every Monaco instance, you can return them in the defineMonacoSetup function

// ./setup/monaco.ts
import { defineMonacoSetup } from '@kolibry/types'

export default defineMonacoSetup(() => {
  return {
    editorOptions: {
      wordWrap: 'on'