Configure UnoCSS

Environment: node
This setup function will only run on Node.js environment, you can have access to Node's API.

UnoCSS is the default CSS framework for Kolibry. UnoCSS is an fast atomic CSS engine that has full flexibility and extensibility.

By default, Kolibry enables the following presets out-of-box:

Kolibry also adds shortcuts as can be seen in its source code.

You can therefore style your content the way you want. For example:

<div class="grid pt-4 gap-4 grid-cols-[100px,1fr]">

### Name

- Item 1
- Item 2



You can create uno.config.ts under the root of your project to extend the builtin configurations

import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'

export default defineConfig({
  shortcuts: {
    // custom the default background
    'bg-main': 'bg-white text-[#181818] dark:bg-[#121212] dark:text-[#ddd]',
  // ...

Learn more about UnoCSS configurations